You can contribute to Volunteer Burnaby through Canada Helps here:

Canada Helps

For further information about how to donate to Volunteer Burnaby please contact us 

Volunteer Burnaby is partly funded by grants from different levels of government, private donations and community foundations. We help organizations in Burnaby and New Westminster build their capacity to provide programs and services. When you donate to us, you are donating to our efforts to make our community strong, vibrant and sustainable.

Volunteer Burnaby:

  • Helps thousands of people find meaningful volunteer opportunities
  • Connects youth at local post-secondary institutions and high schools with personal and career development opportunities through volunteering
  • Partners with community organizations and local government for events to celebrate volunteerism
  • Assists people with developmental disabilities volunteer in their community by pioneering the Special Needs Access Program (SNAP) for supported introduction to volunteering
  • Supports community organizations through the provision of workshops and training on volunteer management, fundraising, board development, organizational development, and other areas relevant to volunteerism
  • Helps 50+ citizens who want to volunteer their time and skills through partnering with innovative organizations like Volunteer Grandparents.
  • Connects with the business community to link their skills with community needs